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Monday, July 23, 2007

The Dog Days of Summer!

I am thrilled to be participating this week in a Fabulously Fun Bloggy Give away!
After learning about this super cool project, I began to rack my brain for something to giveaway. If you know anything about me you'll know this....I tend to spread myself WAY too thin. So for this week's festivies I will not be promising something homemade. I know...I are all saddened by this news, but I have to resign myself to giving away something I already have, but I find it needs a new home.

These fun wooden letters were purchased long before I decided what I wanted my daughter's room to look like, and as it turns out, this just doesn't fit the theme. I love how sweet this little word of love is. Each letter is about 5 inches high. The colors are pretty fairly represented in the pics. They are sort of natural pastels. Very pretty.

If you have any interest in making this phrase at home in your house, just leave me a comment on this thread. Make sure that I have a way of getting ahold of you if you win. I will randomly draw a name next Monday. I will then mail your prize to you ASAP. How easy and fun! WHo can resist a free drawing? Yippie!
Now if you are reading this post, and thinking...."gee I want to play too!" Go right ahead you have all week to post your Giveaway!


99 Live It or Love It:

Donetta said...

Your L O V E is beautiful. I hope you have a fabulous day!

Amber said...

I would love this! Please count me in!

Melissa said...

Too cute! Please count me in.

Amico Dio said...

I would love to win! Please count me in on your great giveaway! Thanks! :o)

Monkey Giggles said...

very cute. count me in

Anonymous said...

Can't have too much love...count me in, please.

Thanks for visiting mine at Mr. Linky #232

Mrs. Sprinkles said...

So pretty--add my name!

Pam said...

This is so cute. Please include me!

Love your site, too. Come visit when you get the chance : )

Laura said...

Those are adorable and would look lovely in my daughter's room.


Unknown said...

My girls, who currently share a room, are getting ready to part ways. These letters would look wonderful in my two year old's room :-)

Anonymous said...

I L-O-V-E the letters :D Count me in!

Keara @ Now I Know What Life Is All About said...

I just bought letters to spell out the boys names! These would fit right in!

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

I L.O.V.E the letters! I am about to decorate my lil girls' room and it would be PERFECT!

Sheri said...

I LOVE these letters. So perfect. Please enter me in your drawing.

~Nancy~ said...

I'm in!
Thanks and be sure to enter mine for "Simple Abundance".

Unknown said...

Count me in! So cute!

Rachel said...

I would L.O.V.E. to put this in my princess's room

Jennifer said...

Cute letters! Please include me!
Thanks so much!

The Snipes said...

Oh I LOVE it! Count me in.

Nicole said...

How beautiful!

aahcoffee said...

My daughter would "LOVE" this!

Anonymous said...

My daughter's room is in pink and yellow and these would look precious in there!!

Michelle said...

oh I would love to win these block letters!

and thank you for your comment about my daughter!

Terry and John said...

Love the block letters. Thank you for the chance to win and I hope that you have a great week:)

Angela S said...

I love these letters!

Anonymous said...

Very Cute. Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me into the drawing! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Please add me!

KJ Family said...

So cute! I would love to be entered. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me.
Thank you


Heidi said...

Very cute!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be chosen! Diana

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE these for my nieces!


Anonymous said...

HOW CUTE! my rebekah would love these!! please enter me :)

Ginny said...

One of my girls would definitely {love} this, enter me!

Dolly said...

I'm in!

Anonymous said...

Pick me Please!

Anonymous said...

My daughter would love this! Count me in, please!

KatieBug said...

Very Cute! I would love them!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win.

Kacey said...

This would be perfect in my nursery! I hope I win!!
What a great prize!


Mary Jo said...

Count me in, please! Thanks

Mercy said...

These are really pretty.

Please count me in the drawing.

Eden said...

Oh, I'd love to win! Please count me in! By the way, I'm doing a giveaway at my place. Please stop by and visit.

Proverbs 31 Woman Wannabe said...

Please count me in, thank you!

Tasha said...

That would look great in my girls' room. Thanks for entering me.

Carole Burant said...

Fabulous giveaway!! Please enter my name in your draw:-) Thank you! xo

Sherry said...

Add me, if you don't mind!

Someone Beautiful said...

I would love to display these! Thank you for a great giveaway! ~Angela

mybuttercup "at" cavtel "dot" net

Karen said...

That is too cute! Please count me in!!!

Tara Sloan said...

Aw,thats cute. Sign me up!

Unknown said...

What a cute daughter you have.
I'm sure her room looks adorable.

My link:

Anonymous said...

These would work well in my daughter's room.

Coach Paulette said...

very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! Count me in and God bless you!

Liz said...

Very cute...I know a room it will fit perfectly in!

Anonymous said...

Those letters are so great! I would love them. :)

CrystalGB said...

Great letters. Please count me in.

Ladybug said...

Count me in!

Don't forget to enter our give a way too!

Anonymous said...

These would look GREAT in my little bug's nursery!
I'm in...


Stop by my giveaways too if you have a chance!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! I'm in too :)

Anonymous said...

Love them!
Please enter me and then come on over and enter my giveaways! :)

Coming to a Nursery Near You

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Hi friend! Just now getting over here. These would be perfect in Little Sister's room. ;)

karly said...

Oh, this is cute! Count me in, please!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous! Please enter me into your contest. Thanks, and have a great week!

Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting a giveaway!

Adena (aka cre82learn) said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks for participating! Too cute.

Lura said...

Please enter my name!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Very cute!! I'm in! C'mon over and sign up for mine ($10 Target gift card) if you get the chance. :o)

Anonymous said...

very cute, Count me in!

Sarafu said...

I would love this, please count me in!

Anonymous said...

This would look really nice in my little girls' room. :)

Count me in, please!
And feel free to stop by my blog and enter to win free Scripture!


Lauren said...

this is beautiful!

Heather said...

Anonymous said...

This would go great in our baby room!

LivingforGod said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!

HomeSchool Mommy said...

Love this...

Thanks for including me in your drawing!

Tricia said...

Count me in!!


Anonymous said...

Love the letters!Count me in!

Trina and Jophie said...

Count me in!
Trina :0)

Anonymous said...

Enter me please!
crazymamma1966 at hotmail dot com

Andrea said...

Awesome! Please count me in!! :)

Rebecca said...

Aw, sweet. The colors match my daughter's room. Thanks!

Andrea said...

Love them. And I love that you are giving away something you no longer need. So cool.

Kristin said...

Those would work so perfectly in my girls' room - I have an idea for them and if I win I'll send you a photo!!

Michelle said...

That's really beautiful. I'd like to hang it up in my girls room. Thanks!

Shawna said...

Those are great! I'd LOVE to win!

JLP said...

These would be so cute in our girls' room! Thanks!

loni said...

I LOVE this! They would go perfectly in my daughter's pastel room.
Please include me (us) and thank you for sharing!

joysmallpack said...

These are just our style! Please count me in- Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

gosh! so pretty!

Linda SS said...

L O V E these:) Thank you for offering them!

Miss Notesy said...

Your contest is wonderful! Please pick me… he he he. I’m Lani from The Wooden Porch. It’s nice to “meet” you (um, especially since you are giving something away).

Did I really just say that?

IF you do pick me, please email me at:
(my website is

Have fun picking a winner!!

Kerry said...

These would go perfectly in my baby's nursery! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks.

Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry said...

Oh, I love this prize! Thanks!

Treasuresofjoy said...


Anonymous said...

I often call my sweet girl "Love"! Thanks for the giveaway! Please enter me.

onemotherslove said...

OH! Still time to enter! Thanks!

Maude Lynn said...

These would look so cute in my daughter's room!

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