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Friday, September 5, 2008

Photo Hunters~ Strings

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From her days in my womb, Sugar Bear has been very fond of music. I would sing to her when her kicking became unbearable and she would quickly settle. From her first moments of life on "the outside", I could quickly soothe her by singing some of her favorite songs.



To this day, she delights in singing, dancing, and playing instruments. Her most recently acquired instrument is a lap harp. I adore listening to her music, and my heart practically bursts from my chest as she strums the STRINGS and sings little made up songs.



I will never tire of her enthusiasm for music.



There just might be another fun instrument under the Christmas tree for her this year. It is my desire to make sure she has as many experiences with music as possible. As long as my Sugar wants to express herself musically.....I be right here, as she plucks the STRINGS of my heart.


Thank you for visiting my blog this week. I look forward to seeing all the STRINGS attached to your blogs. :) Happy Weekend to all.

45 Live It or Love It:

Anonymous said...

With love and music in her life. She'll definitely grow up pulling strings of lots of hearts. :)
Happy Weekend Corey & Sugar!

Juliana RW said...

wonderful shots for this week theme

Please stop by also in my PH post : in HERE and HERE Thanks

stan said...

never seen that instrument/game set before. what do you call it? THe pictures are very endearing and amazing btw!

Cathy said...

Awesome strings pic.. great for PH

jams o donnell said...

Such a beautiful set of photos. I'm sure she'll grow up to be a fine musician. Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures for this week. Hope your weekend goes well. :)

Anonymous said... cute! Looks like she's having so much fun with it.

Anonymous said...

she's so cute... and your shots are great!
happy weekend!

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

Such a beautiful little girl! Gorgeous photos :)

Sarah said...

Beautiful shots :)

Cath said...

Sugar looks totally wrapped up in what she is doing. Music is food for the soul. Great photos. Excellent future record for your daughter. ;0)

Colin Campbell said...

Lovely. My kids love to improvise with real and imaginary instruments.

YTSL said...

Very nice -- photos and accompanying story! :)

Anonymous said...

great post, love the photo's perfect for this weeks theme :-)
view mine if you wish here thanks...

lucy said...

Nice compostion and story. I had one of those when I was a child and I called it a zither.

Hootin Anni said...

She'll be a star soon!!! [then you can retire on her income as she records and publishes her CDs!!]

My strings are strung and strummed...come join me if you can find some time today! Happy Hunting!!!

Anonymous said...

She'll be the next Star someday!~ Always love your photos! I won't get tired of saying that!~

Mine is HERE if you have a time! Thanks! Happy PH!

AnnD said...

I knew you were going to do something unique and kick-ass for this theme! And you didn't disappoint me!

Brine Queen said...

I love those things... I wish I could learn an instrument, but am not able to keep time very well. Kudos to you for supporting your daughter's interests.

Anonymous said...

I love it, Corey! She's such a blessed little girl. :D

RJ Flamingo said...

I have one of those! I fell in love with it in the store and the hubs gave it to me for Christmas! Sadly, I'm not terribly musical and it sits in a drawer most of the time, but I refuse to get rid of it.

I think my favorite shot might be #4. Or maybe #6. Can't decide!

Do stop by when you can -

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

What a LOVELY set of photos! :)

Anonymous said...

She's so adorable. The Bean would be right there with her playing. She loves music as well!

Liz Hinds said...

the first photo is very artistic but Sugar Bear is the sweetest.

Cecelia---Sis---Mom said...

What gorgeous photos and you have a stunning daughter. I am sure she will always appreciate the love of music you are giving her.


Anonymous said...

What a great post for this week and beautiful photos.

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Very sweet..
Beautiful photos.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics! So talented just like her mommy.

Anonymous said...

Bet she makes beautiful music. Great photos and have a great weekend.

Angela said...

Wow, I saved my zither from when I was a child and my son also loves to play it now, with all the dot sheet music. Great shots! Thanks for visiting and happy hunting!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I love that you're encouraging her musical ability like that!
I've never seen a lap harp actually!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful shots and so great your daughter enjoys music.

Rose said...

Very cool lap harp! Harrison loves music too, it's so wonderful. I want to get him a quality toy trumpet under the tree this Christmas. he loves trumpets, and guitars, and pianos...well you get the picture.

I also participated (for the first time) in Photohunter this week, you can see it here if you like!

Anonymous said...

these are just magnificent, magnificent, magnificent shots!!! i wish i could take photos like that. and wish i had a better cam, too!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos! I love the story that goes with them.

Anonymous said...

Hello there!
New photo hunter here :)

Love your STRING photos!! Your baby is beautiful! I especially love the second to last photo, she looks like she is really loving the sound of the harp... lovely.

Hope you have a super Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Ah, soooo sweet! I played the harp to settle busy little kickers down during my pregnancies too -- works like a charm!

jmb said...

Good post Corey and isn't it wonderful that your daughter loves music. Have a good weekend.

PastormacsAnn said...

These are terrific! I adore the one from above of her delicate little fingers strumming the strings. Wonderful photos for our theme!

Tabitha Blue said...

What great pictures... and great culture in her life! She'll grow up so well rounded since you're helping to develop her interests. That's wonderful.

Thanks for stopping by my blog, and yes it's great to be home again! :-)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh Corey, she is a DOLL. Of all the shots I love #4 the best - all around perfect comp (especially with those little hands)!!

Killlashandra said...

Beautiful! Your words go so nicely with your pictures. She looks like such a natural plucking at the strings. :)

Christina said...

She really looks like a natural...perfeclty comfortable with it. My sister is a great musician, but I missed out on that talent. Can Sugar really follow the song cards already? Love your lighting in these, you're so good at working with it.

holly said...

i so love this. queen of hearts has one of these and really loves it. intermittently. between her violin and saxophone. i think i'm not helping with her short-attention-span thingie.

but seriously, the person who thought of this should be given a very very large gold star. yes.

Anonymous said...

I always loved playing with these when I was a kid. Seeing Sugar with it, I know they haven't lost their appeal.

Re: your comment, I'd say if The Bean can sit through the hairdo process, I'd bet Sugar can too. It actually doesn't take that long to do once you get the flow going. It's not any longer than doing a french braid.

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