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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Photostory Friday~A Tradition of the Heart

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Each year, I take Sugar Bear out to our local "Holiday Lights" showcase. Usually we make the visit with the cousins. It is always a good time. We are never sure if it will be raining or freezing cold, or both, so we bundle up and hope for the best. Last year, I posted a great deal of photographs depicting the sights to be seen.  It is a fabulous display, and all who come to see it, can't help but leave with a dance in their step, and the Christmas spirit in their hearts.  Please go take a look at the beautiful photos I got last year.

This past weekend, we made our yearly trek out to the lights.  We led the way, with the cousins following in their own vehicle.  It was a beautiful cool crisp night.  Excitement was in the air, and unfortunately it wasn't only OUR excitement.  It was scout night, and both the boy and girl scouts were singing in the gazebo.  There were not less than 14 bazillion people trying to park in a parking lot that has only 1 bazillion parking spots.  We basically had to travel around in circles hoping to catch someone leaving.  Sugar and I went around about 6 times before we lucked out and came upon a RV that was taking up 4 spots left.  Whew....

Sadly, the cousins were not so lucky, and Aunt Amy gave up and left after a few two circles around the parking lot.  Unfortunately, this place is also in the there was no cell service.  We had some confusion for awhile, but finally a text went through, and Sugar and I proceeded to visit the lights on our own.  This was all fine and good, until I realized I would need to ask a stranger to take our annual Mama/Daughter photo.  eeekkkk...I don't do strangers really well.  I stood there for some time, eyeing people up and down, and trying to gather my nerve.  Sugar busied herself listening to the singing, and sipping her warm apple cider.  

Luckily, 15 minutes later (yes, I have no nerve) as the scouts wrapped up, I noticed a co-worker and her daughter.  I quickly got her attention, and gave the poor honey a 5 minute tutorial on my DSLR with the honkin' huge lens on it.  She was quite intimidated, but pulled off this shot in two takes.  Woo Hoo.......She rocks! (funny we have the same coats on from last year)


I am grateful for another year of Christmas Traditions, and sharing the joy all the holidays bring with my favorite girl in the whole wide world.  

Thank you for coming by my blog this week.  Have a wonderful weekend.

20 Live It or Love It:

tiarastantrums said...

gorgeous tradition!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome co-worker to save the day...she totally rocks! Oh wait, it wasn't me. Okay, she still rocks. :) Great pic of you and SB a.k.a. Turkey (I love how all you can read is turkey on her shirt from your previous post). See you at work. -H

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest picture, Corey! So sweet!

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful photo of the two of you.

Christina said...

I'm the same way with strangers, but I'm glad you did ask - any photo of you with your baby is a treasure! She did a great job, too. :o) The lights display looks awesome, even if it was a bit crowded. We went to one a few nights ago, but it's all a drive through.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

That is a wonderful photo of the two of you. And thanks for sharing such a lovely story!

Tabitha Blue said...

There you go!!! You've got a photo of you on here!! :) great one at that!

Yes, I'm sorry for such a delay in getting to you. It's been crazy over here, as I'm sure it has been for you as well. My husband does well with photography too and has a good eye. He's not up on what all the buttons are for (well, neither am I really), but I'm showing him the little that I know a little at a time. He had fun with it though, and we are able to have fun together because of it, always passing the camera back and forth for different things we see! (We need another camera). I'm actually getting Baby Blue her own little kid digital camera for Christmas, because with the two of us going, she's always pretending to take pics and wants to play with my camera... so we'll see how that goes!

Also, my sister in law has a Nikon and when we're together we always take different shots and share! She's around alot as well. :)

~Looks like you guys had a great time out there!! Keep enjoying the season!!~

Gayle said...

Very nice shot of Mommy/Daughter. I wish I had some like that, but no one ever takes photos but me. Plus, I'm not sure I'd let one be take of me!

Tabitha Blue said...

Ohhh, and I just realized that I hadn't told you more about those hundred's of tiny little mirrors from forever ago either.... they were on a wall in my hotel when I was out in San Francisco. They weren't springy, just all attached to that kind of moveable metal.... tons and tons of them. It was just such a neat thing to play with. I felt like a kid all over again.


Anonymous said...
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Don Mills Diva said...

What a glorious pair you make - you look so much alike!

Maude Lynn said...

Great picture!

I would have dropped the camera!

scrappysue said...

i heart christmas traditions too! gorgeous pic

tommie said...

Corey, that is a grogeous picture of the two of you!!

Corey~living and loving said...

Mandy @ Babushka said...
That picture of you both is adorable. You have this amazing glow when you are with Sugar. She's a lucky little girl.

December 12, 2008 12:35 PM

Aunt Julie said...

Almost as Sweet a Snap as You Yourself would take, oui? Light displays are my favorites, too!!

Anonymous said...

That's a great picture of y'all! I'm glad you were able to find a friendly face to take your photo. She did a great job!

Autumn said...

You both look beautiful. I'm so glad that you were persistent enough to keep searching for a stop. What a bummer it would have been to have to give up the tradition for a year.

Chris said...

That's a great shot, and I love traditions. That's what makes Christmas special for me.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Cute shot. YAY for traditions!

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