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Saturday, July 2, 2011

52 Weeks of ME- Week twenty-seven

Theme of the week:

At work/At Home

Being that I only work about 6 hours a week in the summer, and I have already taken a few pictures at work, I decided to grab my shot at home. I really didn't have a plan, and yesterday was such a pretty evening, so I went outside with my camera....and looked around. I decided I wanted to try to get a shot of Tiny, our mini horse, and myself. I set my camera on our picnic table, and set the timer, but couldn't get the silly horse to stay in the frame. I was getting pretty annoyed. The Hubby was watching me, and came out to try to help. I was feeling grouchy, and just gave up on that idea, mostly because my remote shutter release was acting up as well.

The Hubby sat down in the grass and was trying to get the horse to come over. She was having none of it. Ivy, our dog....was happy to oblige though. I aimed my camera at the hubby, and moved out in front of the camera to see if my remote would work. It did, and I jumped into the shot with him. and here we have the FIRST picture of the two of us together since.....2002. yes....I said 2002. Nearly 10 years.


You have to understand that my husband doesn't normally allow photos to be taken of him. The rare one's you'll find of him on here are all I have.....and those are usually snuck by me hiding behind a tree. tee hee.....not really, but almost that bad. He just doesn't allow them. So when he didn't squawk.....and then let me push the shutter release again....(after removing my coat), and again. and a few times with the dog. I was over the moon excited.


These shots have their issues, and my hair is totally WONKY from the back lighting......or the fact that I may have NOT brushed it that day (whistling), but I love them. Sugar Bear will love them. I am so very excited that this happened. I guarantee if I walked over and asked my husband if I could take a picture with him right now.....or tomorrow.....or in the next month, or year, it will be "NO WAY!" I don't know why he let it happen.....but I'm grateful. I only wish Sugar had been home. There is yet to be a picture of all three of us. Crossing my I have hope.

On the 13th of this month, we'll be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary. What a great gift this already is. ♥

Be sure to head on over to visit Jessie and Cara to see all the fabulous ladies taking part in this cool project.

9 Live It or Love It:

Autumn said...

Man I'm a sap. This post got me teary eyed. bah! Love, love, love these pictures. Especially that first shot. Happy early anniversary!

Donetta said...

oh those are beautiful shots trust this finds you thriving

Jeanette Verster said...

Oh these are lovely!!

Marcelle said...

STUNNING CAPTURES....all of them

YOU two have made the most beautiful daughter, that says a lot about your love :)

Jessie said...

Gorgeous shot of you two and the bokeh is fabulous as well. What a great selfie :)

Jen said...

I am so glad you were able to get some shots of the two of you together. These photos are magnificent. Sugar Bear will treasure them for sure.

Megan Cobb said...

What a treat, my friend. I am so happy he obliged. xo Missing you a bunch and as always loving all of your beautiful photos. Sugar Bear looks very grown up all of a sudden!

inkyblog said...

i LOVE them! take many many many more - for you and your girl (my favorite pics are the ones of my parents together:)

Cara said...

I absolutely love them, especially the first one with you both looking and smiling!
He probably doesn't like his picture taken because he knows all your blogging friends would be jealous of how good looking your husband is.

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