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Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Week 40


July 3rd was such a wonderful and busy day. We were up at the farm with my parents. My dad's cousin's were there camping like they always are, and we went to the river swimming. Sugar had a wonderful time with the other 7 kiddos. Then we had a campfire, with ice cream drumsticks. The sunset was sooooooooooooooo beautiful....only to be rivaled by the wonderful firework show we had thanks to The Hubby and his trip to Idaho. :) What a perfect day.

July 4th was spent at our annual family picnic. It was a hot day with good food, and another swim at the river. Happy Fourth of July.

July 5th found us back to our schedule. Swimming lessons again. Sugar is doing so well. I love to watch her progress.

July 6th.....well.....I can't really remember what we did, but it is likely that I worked, while Sugar played with her friends at daycare. I do know we spent some fun time out in the yard that evening with Ivy girl. Sugar and Ivy are really becoming the best of buddies. There are still times when Sugar Bear will suddenly start crying about missing Daisy, but Ivy is such a good new friend. ♥


July 7th was an errand day. We picked up this empty frame so that I might use it for wedding photos. Sugar Bear had a bit of fun posing for me. (I never did use the frame at either of the two weddings I did recently. There just wasn't time for creativity.)

July 8th Sugar Bear went scouting with me at our first wedding location. She helped me find the good light. She is awesome like that. ♥ Later I attended the wedding rehearsal, while Sugar stayed with Grandma, and her cousins. They got to go swimming at the river again.


July 9th was the wedding. I spent 7 hours shooting. It was a mixture of so many emotions for me. stress....and fun.....and ack.....and awwwwwwwwwww....and whew. Weddings are a roller coaster, for sure.

Hey folks! I allowed myself this guilty pleasure of putting this blog post together before I forget what we did, but I should not be on here. I absolutely HAVE.TO get the wedding photos processed before I start really posting my personal stuff.

3 Live It or Love It:

Gayle said...

You must really be working hard on your wedding photos to be up so late (saw that on FB). I was surprised! :) Enjoy your daughter, life, nature, the animals...don't let that "other stuff" bring you donw (or slow you down). It will all go away eventually.

Autumn said...

Love the bigger pics with the explanations. :) Hugs girl.

Childlife said...

Just stoppin' by to say howdy and to let you know I'm still reading -- and lovin' those Sugar pics! :)


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