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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wordless Wednesday~Accidental Photography

Check out more Wordless Wednesday photos HERE!

23 Live It or Love It:

**"Liza"** said...

this is one beautiful lucky shot! look so cool!
I hope you had a wonderful New year! Post mine too

admin said...

wow what a timing huh.. nice shot!


Shelia said...

Is that a bubble floating by? How cool! Happy WW!

holly said...

even your *accidents* are better than my photos! will you be my personal photographer? i know, it's a big commute, but i never said this friendship thing would be easy.... ;)

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Ur "accident" looks beautiful.. my camera accidents look retarded :P
Happy 2008!!It's not a Weekend;It's a Lifestyle

Cheryl said...

Terrific accident.

Anonymous said...

Very neat! Don't ya love it when those kinda accidents happen!?!

Happy WW :)


Beth Cotell said...

What a great shot!

jennwa said...

Cool picture!!! Happy WW!!!!

houseofeling said...

find a frame, because that one is awesome!

jams o donnell said...

What a wonderful photo. Happy New Year

Anonymous said...


Maude Lynn said...

Whoa! That is too cool!

Denise said...

So Cool!

Autumn said...

Very cool shot Corey.

Deb said...

Oh very cool - that's a great accidental photo! :) Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Very nice Wordless Wednesday! I am a non procrastinator, so my Wednesday and Thursday are up! Feel free to comment on both!


Jennifer Crosswhite said...

Wow, very cool. Love the huge bubble. I can never get them that big, let alone the timing of the shot. Great job!

Tara R. said...

Very cool capture on this shot. Nice job.

Siani said...

Nice shot. Sometimes, the accidental ones are the best.

Happy New Year!

My WW pics are up at Siani's Pot-Pourri.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh these are my favorite type of shots! The Accidentals. Isn't that how it always works?

That is truly a fantastic shot.

:) said...

You should enter this into a contest. It's an amazing photo.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Wow, Corey, your photos are sooooo good.

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