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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wordless Wednesday~Brrrrrrr

For more Wordless Wednesday go HERE and HERE!

*** oh and don't forget I'm on Top Momma!

CLICK HERE!!!!! You know you want to. Click it a few times in fact. I get a referral each time you click the link, and a click each time you click on Sugar's sweet photo. Isn't that fun? I can't think of a single thing I should be doing today other than clicking. Can you? ***

38 Live It or Love It:

Monkey Giggles said...

Beautiful shots! Brrrrr is right.

Meghan said...

These are gorgeous, Corey. I want to frame them and hang them on my wall.

Unknown said...

Great photos. Nature is powerful...

My WW this week challenges you to take a vacation where nobody has been before! Are you interested?

Happy WW,

Clickin Mama J said...

Great pics! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots! You can send some of that cold down my way! :-)

Lindy said...

These are lovely Corey, and that last one is just stunning! (But get those Christmas lights down girl!! ) : D

Autumn said...

Great shots Corey. I love the last one... with the drip coming off the light.

Serina Hope said...

Those are just wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!

It definately indicates what the weather is like here as well! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr!!!

Will be back for more great pictures!

Happy WW

Kim said...

Wonderful photos!!!! You are very talented.

Cathi said...

I love your photos! You are so good.
Mine's up too.

jennwa said...

Your photos are beautiful but they make me cold.
They are beautiful.

jayna said...

I love the last one - so unique!

eastcoastlife said...

brrrr.... this is too cold for me!

Unknown said...

Beautiful! You have such amazing skill.

kat said...

The last picture is my favorite. It looks so beautiful. Sigh.

I totally vote for you daily on topmomma ;o)

~michelle pendergrass said...


I would love to know how you imprint your signature on your photos. I just got photoshop, so I'm learning everything (trying to take it slow!)

Michele said...

Very nice photos, Corey, it made me shiver when I viewed them, so pretty.

Jennifer Crosswhite said...

Ooh I'm so jealous! I've been trying to get good snowflake pics. And the Christmas light one is very cool!

carol said...

Great shots!

I love that last one!

holly said...

love love love as per usual. particularly that bulb. niiiice.

Tammy and Parker said...

Amazing shots! Wow!

Tammy and Parker

Deb said...

Those are gorgeous! I especially like the last one - that's an amazing shot. :)

Unknown said...

Wow!! That second photo is incredible!! You are so talented.

Cynthia said...

Corey my dear, you are the best photographer I know:)

Jessie said...

Beaut.i.ful! Now, are your Christmas lights still up? *wink*

Happy WW!

Pennies In My Pocket said...

Completely AMAZING photos! I'm cold now just looking at them ... time for me to turn the heater up! LOL


Burgh Baby said...

That last photo is reason enough to leave the lights up. It's breathtaking!

Anonymous said...

Oh thats nice shots you capture good. Happy WW! mine is up.

Beth Ellen said...

Nice shots. My faves are the 2nd and last one. :o)

Heather said...

Just gorgeous! Even though I'm already plenty cold, those are awesome photos!

Thanks for stopping by, and happy WW!

Natalie said...

Those are beautiful shots!

Bren said...

Gorgeous shots! Brrr is right!

Jen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said...

Corey, Loved your pics today and just thought I'd let you know that I linked to your site since you inspired me to post my own WW winter pics today!


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Very beautiful Corey! I love that last one!!

CMB said...

Very pretty, however I just posted on my non-scrap blog about how I am ready to leave NJ for warmer territory!

mama bear said...

These are like artwork and should be displayed in a museum. You make me cold girlfriend. Even though we both know I'm HOT - tee hee!
You can eat chocolate today! woo hoo! I've got some for you. Get ready - I will see you in a few hours my bubbly friend!

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