My dearest Sugar Bear,
I find myself feeling particularly sentimental these days. I feel as if my heart may burst at the seams with adoration, each and every time a thought of you drifts through my mind.
I find myself desperately trying to hold on to these special times. So many parents are in a hurry to rush their children through the stages, eager to be "done with diapers", or "off the breast or bottle". Not I....and from your history, I see not particularly you either. You always take you own SWEET time in doing things, and I appreciate that in you. I cherish how you are your own person, and rarely let others force you to do things you aren't ready for. It is my hope that you keep this attribute as you grow.
There are so many days I long for a "pause button", so that I might capture you at this very special stage, and I would give the world to have THIS Sugar Bear forever.
You are incredible, just as you are. You are thoughtful, caring, and genuine. You are perceptive, and amazingly brillant. It is music to a mama's ears to hear from your preschool teacher that "everyone loves Sugar Bear!", and I see the truth in the faces of your friends when we arrive each morning.
You are slow to warm up, but once you get going, there is no stopping you. You have already honed your skills at physical comedy, and I think very much that you might end up being the class clown. You know exactly how to get the smiles to errupt from everyone you meet.
You constantly amaze me with your generous spirit, and ability to share whatever you have with whomever is in need.
There is so many things that tie my heart up in knots, and make me feel so very lucky to be HERE with you. From the way you call a Skunk, a "Stunk", to the way you proudly announce that you are "A princess.....for real life, mom!"
May you always wish to marry me when you grow up, insist on lots of snuggles, and lovingly invite to me sleep all night with you. I cherish all our inside jokes, and can hear your giggles, and belly laughs everytime I close my eyes. You love to tell me something silly, and imediately announce, "I'm just kidding, Mom!" before I hardly have time to react. Life is fun around you.
I may be biased, but I think you are as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. You glow with happiness, and your eyes melt my very being.
I am beyond honored to be given the extreme pleasure of being your protector, your confidante, your cheering section, your guide......your loving mother. It is my goal in this life to raise you in a home that honors you for who you are, gives you the opportunities to be who you want to become, and have the strength to let you fly.

You have my heart, Baby Girl, and as you would say, "I love you more than all the dinasaurs, the monsters, the ghosts, the giants, and the bugs in the WORLD, stacked up on top of each other!"
There are days when the thought of you growing up, and going off on your own is enough to bring me to my knees in tears. The other day you promised, "I will take you with me, Mama, wherever I go!"
I hope you go far!
You have my heart, Baby Girl, and as you would say, "I love you more than all the dinasaurs, the monsters, the ghosts, the giants, and the bugs in the WORLD, stacked up on top of each other!"
Now that is quite A LOT!
***linking to the You Capture MEME for the theme of SWEET***
34 Live It or Love It:
Oh my word! Absolutely gorgeous shots! She is adorable! Thanks for sharing those!
What a beautiful tribute, to a special little girl! You brought me to tears - the days go by so quickly!! My Stace is still my best friend!
"I love you Mom!" must be the BEST words, ANY mother can hear!
Thank you for sharing your little Sugar Bear with us today! :-)
Such a beautiful sentiment and absolutely gorgeous pictures to boot!
This whole post is so sweet. It is going to mean so much to her in a few years. These pictures are great.
Sweet girl, sweet treat!
You do such an amazing job of capturing her expressions. I feel like I know her just from looking at these shots.
Your colors are stunning. Great job.
Beautiful shots! You're very talented :)
Little girl - sweet.
Lollipop - sweet.
Outfit - sweet.
Smile - sweet.
Pigtails - sweet.
She is beautiful. And I'm with you... I was never overly thrilled for sleeping through the night or ending nursing because that meant that my baby was growing up!
What a beautiful AND story!
Love that shoot. You have some serious talent!!
This has to be the most beautiful entry I have ever read on blogs...Congratulations on this brilliant entry and the most beautiful photo's of our special blog girl...she has melted my heart via photo's can just imagine what she must be like in person.
You are truely blessed!!
THAT was lovely - you should make this post a blurb book for your little SWEET Sugar Bear
These were gorgeous!! :)
You are so rich. Just stop us all to think on our Little charges.
Your just having so much fun!
Think if we would have heard those words from our moms.
I love these pictures! The colors are amazing and Sugar couldn't look sweeter!
The way your adore your dd is just inspiring! Makes me look at myself and ask how I can be a better mom!
Loved these pics!
I can't comment because I am crying! So sweet.
That was incredible!!
Oh wow, that was so lovely!
Pigtails and a lolly. And beautiful words. Doesn't get much sweeter...
Great photo shoot! I love the ones in the car.
The fourth and sixth ones are my favorite-those eyes! So expressive!
A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! Sugar's a "princess for real life" for sure! :D
Everything worked fine except the third photo up didn't load. The only other problem I have is load time due to the better quality of the photos, but that is my problem (slow internet) not yours'. Great shots of Sugar and a nice post about your love for her.
This looks great, and loaded immediately for me:)
What a great post. She is a doll and they grow so quickly.
I feel the same way lately. I sent Vincenzo to his grandma's for one night and it felt like sending him off to college--I nearly bawled! If only I had the thousands of beautiful pictures of him that you do of Sugar Bear. My medium is writing, though, so I've got hundreds of pages of journaling on him!
Beautiful!! Amazing photos, they are stunning . . . as is that adorable little girl, for sure. Wonderful post, I loved reading it.
Those pictures are all too cute!
Those pictures are just beautiful and she is gorgeous! I love the thoughts that go along with it. The best part of being a mom is having a heart that bursts in adoration. I bet she goes real far, she sounds like such a charmer.
pretty sweet! Hope you can stop by to view my photo hunt Thanks so much.
That is just so precious. I know the feelings, and mirror them with my girl. Aren't they just amazing?! I'm SO blessed to be a mommy, and blessed to read your touching and lovely post!
Yes, those are just amazing "sweet" photos! Not to mention the words that went with it all. So sweet!
I hope that you're having a great weekend. I played along too and I'd love for you to come on over. :)
This whole sentimental post just melted my heart!
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