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Monday, January 18, 2010

Fit For a Birthday Princess


In a last minute sort of decision, Sugar Bear chose a Princess theme for her birthday. It was easy enough. A quick run to the dollar store, and we had plates and napkins. The venue would be providing cups and balloons. I didn't really need decorations either, so we were good to go. In an effort to make her day a little more festive....and to give Sugar a real sense of fancy princess, I decided to whip out a VERY frilly outfit for the day.


I decided that there really wasn't a better time to make something a bit OVER THE TOP. I had a perfect pair of overalls just laying around, that I purchased a second hand store for less than $2.


I had some pretty pink Princess fabric, and some pink tulle just burning a hole in my sewing area as well. It didn't take me long to come up with a perfect plan.


I removed the overall straps, and all the part that covers her back. I added some elastic to the waistband to hold them up above her bottom. I then took a piece of pink ribbon, and sewed the overall hooks to each end making a nice halter.


I covered the front of the bib with the princess fabric, and then cut the tulle into appropriate lengths and sewed it directly onto the waistline of the overalls to create a tutu effect.


I appliqued a star, cut from the princess fabric, to the leg of the overalls, to cover up a small stain. I took some narrow strips of tulle, ruffled it, and attached it to the bottom of each pant leg. The small flower embroidery was already there.


and was finished. Sugar Bear LOVES this outfit. It is about impossible to get off her once it is on. She feels so girlie in it.


On the way to her party, I had hoped to run into a spot to take a few pictures of her with FIVE balloons. As luck would have it, there was a fun alley right by the venue, BUT it was raining. Just when I about gave up on the getting some pictures, there was a brief lull in the rain.


It was a fun little opportunity to take photos of my big FIVE year old. As suddenly as it had ended, the rain began again, and so our photo window came and went quickly.


I think we made good use of our time though. Be sure to tune in for Wordless Wednesday, when I share the BEST of the bunch.

Oh yes...these aren't it. tee hee

19 Live It or Love It:

Marcelle said...

Love the Princess outfit you made for Sugar, its HER...suits the child she is..( my granddaughter wants the traditional one only )
You such a clever mommy - I cant sew to save my life...okay let me rephrase that as that statement is what I am learning about myself...I say things and then live the reality of it...So here goes...I have never tried to make a Princess outfit. LOL

Love all the photo's of Sugar, can see she has such a good time.

Beth Cotell said...

I lvoe this outfit! And I love that you decided just to "whip it out". Wish I had those skills!

Janet said...

Wow! You're very innovative! Nice one - doesn't she look adorable?

AnnD said...

I love those last three individual shots! I can't believe those aren't the best of the bunch!

I always struggle with running shots...I have gotten one excellent running shot of Emma her whole entire life. What shutterspeed, aperture and ISO were you using do you remember?

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

Wow! you are really talented Corey. I think that outfit makes for adorable pictures too!

Deb said...

Oh that outfit is just plain adorable! I can see why Sugar Bear doesn't want to take it off. :) Can't wait to see the 'best' photos if these are any indication of your 'not best' ones!

Anonymous said...

The outfit you made is so much fun. I love your pictures too.

Jeanette said...

That's one very cute outfit!

Unknown said...

That is just the cutest! I have never seen anyone do that before! Very creative :)

Jen said...

What a great refashion. Absolutely perfect. I can see why she doesn't want to take it off.

Angie@treasures for tots said...

OH WOW!! What a BEAUTIFUL Princess! Her Birthday overall tutu is adorable!! LOVE the pretty pictures!!

Tanya said...

These are amazing!!! that outfit is *super* cool mom!!! Man I wish I had time to sew!!!!!

Marka said...

Great outfit! Nothing like have sewing materials stocked up, eh? I can tell you both thoroughly enjoy the outfit. Kudos!

Christina said...

Of course she loves that outfit - it's simply terrific, the stuff of any little princess' dreams! Love your creativity, Mama!

Lisa said...

Very Cute pictures Corey, and Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter and Happy Birthing Day to you also.

Enjoy your day!


Anonymous said...

So cute!!!

mrsmouthy said...

Okay, but just one question: Will you be my mom?

cat said...

Oh she just looked adorable. My, aren't our 5 year olds so big! Thanks for your comments and if you want to see how I made the tutu (one of those no-sew jobs - very fast and cheap: - see here:

Genesa said...

How cute! I wish I could sew something that cute! Love it!

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