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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday~ The married couple









For more Wordless Wednesday, go HERE and HERE and HERE.

10 Live It or Love It:

Marka said...

They look quite happy and excited! And rightly so!

Artsycooper said...

These pictures are beautiful!
In reply to your comment you left on my blog, I am so impressed with 56 books in a year. Wow, wow, wow, is all I can say. I love to read, but don't think I have read 56 books in the last 10 years.

Gayle said...

You did a very nice job with the wedding. Capturing love is not an easy task, but their affection is apparent. Well done!

A balanced bike...can't say as I've ever heard of one. Then again you do research these things where I do not. My littles got the same kind of bikes as the olders. While dad may have ran behind the first few, we did not this time. It was more of a trial and crash thing. (Doesn't take too many crashes before you figure it out!). Wishing I had a little more summer for the two of them to ride.

Gayle said...

Oh, and no Internet? I believe that is against the law in some states. LOL

Christina said...

What a lovely couple! They radiate joy. :o)

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

The last photo, soo adorable! :)

Tabitha Blue said...

Beautiful Corey!!!! Happy WW :)


Joanna said...

You did a wonderful job Corey! All of them are so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I love the last ones. They look like such a sweet couple!

Maude Lynn said...

What lovely pictures of a lovely couple!

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