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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Camera Critters~Oh Baby!

Camera Critters

For a month of Sunday's, I have been featuring photos from a recent trip to a game park. Last week, we took a look at the Big Cats! Sugar and I were VERY impressed with the variety of Cats we were introduced to. What a treat!

The most incredible experience of the day was when Sugar was given the opportunity to bottle feed a 6 week old black leopard. WOW!

There were two in the litter; a male and a female. Sugar was lucky enough to hold and nourish the little girl kitty. I was thrilled that she got this opportunity, and even more grateful our friend was there to assist so I could get pictures.

The female's name is Dahlia. She was such a little sweetheart. As you can see...she has some pretty big paws, and long claws, but she was so interested in her bottle I wasn't too worried.

When Sugar isn't looking at Dahlia, or the camera, she is watching brother leopard named, Surly. He was a little ball of fire, and wanted to play.

Their fur was incredibly soft, and their blue eyes sparkled. Soooooooooooo cute! If you look closely enough, you can see the spots on their coat.

The main reason I decided to take Sugar Bear to this particular Game Park when I did, was the news that these two youngsters had been born, and would be available to hold and pet. I was adamant that we would get there while they were still small enough for me to allow Sugar anywhere near them.

Sugar has been talking about that day for a month now. It certainly was a highlight of her little life. I am not certain she grasped the magnitude of her experience, but it was fun none the less. She probably would have been just as pleased to bottle feed a house cat.

I am thrilled to have these photos of her moment. The lighting was horrible, and I had to snap fast, as we weren't the only people anxious to get our turn with these little babies. Regardless of my thoughts on the quality of these photos....they are priceless to me. Sugar Bear will always remember this moment through the photos I captured.

Stay tuned for next week's Camera Critters where I'll continue the tour of the park. Happy Sunday Everyone!

30 Live It or Love It:

Ingrid said...

Great pictures and a wonderful occasion ! I am sure in a few months you can't do it anymore, lol ! Here it is strictly forbidden to touch animal babies in a zoo you have to watch them from far. Even when they are bottle fed.

Lindy said...

look at those eyes- on both of them! Sooo freaking cute.

i beati said...

his eyes and hers say so much - His seem to melt as the feeding goes on

Juliana said...

so beautiful animal. and ur daughter is cute

Mine in here Thanks

Anonymous said...

great shots

Visit mine also in here Thanks

Anonymous said...

It must have been a really great experience not only to see them but to be able to feed the little one and touch it as well!

Anonymous said...

Very cool! You should go back, sometime soon, and get shots of those leopards again... so Sugar can see their growth and have comparison shots.

Maude Lynn said...

What a thrill that must have been for Sugar Bear!

Roan said...

Both babies are beautiful.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Oh my goodness i would of loved to go there myself, that certainly would be a treat.... both are just adorable

D... said...

What a cool experience! I'm envious. ;)

Unknown said...

What such special moments you've created for her!

Wendy said...

Scary, but cute!

ratmammy said...

that's one big baby kitty!

AnnD said...

I'm jealous of Sugar Bear for getting to hold the beautiful animal and jealous of you for having a photo of your daughter with it!

Rayne said...

What an incredible experience and a beautiful set of photos.

Rhea said...

Adorable baby black panther! Love the blue eyes, big paws and baby bottle. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

"WOW" is right!! What an awesome opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Wow- that is not an opportunity that comes along every day!

Carletta said...

How precious is that - love the last photo!

Misty DawnS said...

What BEAUTIFUL and PRECIOUS photos! I look forward to and love sharing in Sugar Bear's experiences. She's such a little doll... I feel like she's part of my family ;-)

Cynthia said...

I can't figure out which one is the cutest!

Deb said...

Oh what a wonderful opportunity for Sugar - and those are pictures that she'll treasure forever! :)

Michele said...

OooOooo... oh man, these are just soooooo cute... what got me is that last photo... the big ole blue eyes on the cat and the tender lovin' face on sugar... oh wow... sheesh... I'm melting over here.

Bellevelma said...

Adorable! And I mean both Sugar and the leopard. They grow up so fast, don't they? And yes, I mean kids AND leopards ;)

Michelle said...

what a neat experience that must have been!

Momo Fali said...

What a fun thing to do! She's one lucky Sugar Bear!

Christina said...

What an awesome experience! I wouldn't mind cuddling that little sweetie myself. :o) You did a great job capturing the moment despire poor photo conditions.

Jo Beaufoix said...

OhCorey you are so lucky. That last one is just adorable. :D

holly said...

wow what an amazing day you guys had!!! way better than the day we had. we had no cats whatsoever. not even a picture of one.

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