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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday~ It's a Jungle in here







For more Wordless Wednesday go HERE and HERE!

28 Live It or Love It:

tiarastantrums said...

oh look how creative your daughter got with those - I'm going to have to show my daughter this tomorrow!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Fun and very colorful stuffs Sugar has :)
My kids will love this if they saw it!

Sara Elizabeth said...

Very creative. These are so cool. I sort of wish I could play with them. haha

Happy WW! Mine is at :

Jodi said...

Love these!! Very creative. I bet they were a lot of fun to play with too!

Janet said...

Oh what fun! You have caputured them beautifully! No words necessary - the colours tell the story! :-)

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Like little Five Alive's , a childs imagination is a precious thing. Happy WW

Anya said...

Very very creative, beautiful shots
:))))))) Its really fun !!
Happy WW ;)

Gayle said...

Those look like a lot of fun. We need an update from hot wheels and bobble heads. :)

Unknown said...

fantastic shots! i love the happy & vibrant.

jams o donnell said...

You always have excellent photos. These are so bright and vivid! Happy WW

Unknown said...

How cute! Where did you get those? You have one creative little girl!

Jenn said...

Oh VERY cute!! Is that something she created?? My kids would love that!

annies home said...

great pictures capturing creativity

Rob said...

Those look cool, my baby Shae would love those.

Check my blog at

Joy said...

THOSE EYES! I love things with cute eyeballs! I'm not sure if I would play with those more than my daughter, but I have to get some!

Thanks for stopping by my site! Can't wait to share future Wordless Wednesdays with you!

B said...

Very cool.

Anonymous said...

My baby loves trains -- I will have to show him this!
Thanks for sharing!

Christina said...

So creative! I love toys like that!!

Jeanette said...

Very very cool toys!

Brandi said...

cool photos! Those are also cool little things you guys made!

Have a great day!

Robyn Jones said...

Cool toys....I want some of those..LOL!

Donetta said...

Hi! I was over here last night enjoying your little sugar and the football. We are not sporty either.
The strength of Dove is so well suited for it. I have to remember to offer her it. It is just to costly to do these lieges and such. There is a church (too far from us) that offers a few weeks each season each sport. It is just too far. Dash and I have asthma and so the grass is an issue here as well as the heat.
I love that you get the beauty in her creations. You should see some of my boys Lego things It is really amazing.

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Ohh I love the pictures...looks like so much fun!! And they are so clean and well taken care of....lucky you!!

Tabitha Blue said...

Those are so cute!! Looks like alot of fun!!


Beth Cotell said...

How very cool! That looks like a toy a child could get really creative with!

Anonymous said...

Those are soooo cool!!

Happy Belated WW!

Cynthia said...

OK...those are some cool toys!

Erin @ Furry Murray said...

Wow, your photos are gorgeous. And I love the train set. I wanna play! :)

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