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Saturday, September 1, 2007

Photo Hunters- Dirty

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Ummmmm YEAH! Story of my life. My truck is always DIRTY! I live on a gravel road...I hate to wash it...thus.....ALWAYS DIRTY!

ETA. This picture is shot from the tail light aiming towards the rear tire.

33 Live It or Love It:

Anonymous said...

which part of the truck is this? :P

have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Mine too! :) Have a nice weekend.

jams o donnell said...

I know what you mean. Kids write "also available in white" or just "wash me" in the dirt on my car! Happy weekend

Carver said...

That's a great idea for the theme.

Anonymous said...

What a very cool shot!

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

great shot--definitely doesn't look as dirty as mine :)

jenny said...

Yes, I'm dirty all the time since I have to park my car under a tree and it's really sappy right now! Interesting angle!

Rach said...

brilliant choice for this week's theme! happy weekend :-)

Karen said...

Hey, at least it's a truck that's dirty. That looks much better and "normal" than a dirty mercedes! :)

Maude Lynn said...

Looks just like mine (and I have no gravel to use as an excuse)!

Donetta said...

nice pic, I did not get anything done like this today just resting.

Paulie said...

Seeing the theme for this week, I thought I would be seeing lots of dirty vehicles but yours is the first!

Come see mine.

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Ever since we started living in the country our cars have been filthy too. I never knew so many bugs could be part of my windshield! :)

Anonymous said...

Great choice for this weeks theme!:) Mine's up too!

Anonymous said...

Great picture for today!

Wilson said...

Wow!...Great picture you got!...Have a nice weekend!..c",)

Anonymous said...

Gravel roads do seem to take a toll on the vehicles, all the dust, then when it rains, it's a gray mud. Thanks for sharing and have a good weekend.

Michele said...

I have the same theme goin' on. I intentionally GET my Jeep dirty on purpose... it's fun!!!
The Rocky Mountain Retreat

Lynn said...

Is this the truck's headlight?

Stacie said...

Nice macro shot of the truck!

Anonymous said...

Your photography is amazing. What gorgeous pictures.
And I can totally relate.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very cool shot of your truck. :) Great choice for dirty. :)

My Photo Hunt this week.

Love Bears All Things said...

Well, I couldn't see any dirt but I'll take your word for it.
Mama Bear

A. said...

Great picture! My father always used to say good honest dirt does no harm!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to PhotoHunt! Have a great weekend.

Nora said...

Love the shot! Makes me miss my truck. :(

Teena in Toronto said...

It's been a while since we cleaned our car, inside and out.

My dirty pic is up!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Great photo.
Photo Hunters

Anonymous said...

Great photo. Love the angle. I live off a dirt road too and my car is always filthy (as well as my house!!!).

YTSL said...

So you wrote about your truck being dirty but still came up with a beautiful photo of it? In other words, looks like you got your cake and eat it! :b

Everyday Healy said...

ops... it's dirty! But it made up a great shot for this week's theme! Nice shot! welcome to photo hunters. :)

Anonymous said...

Good idea for the theme! mine must be dirty too!

Anonymous said...

Love this picture! My car is always dirty too, I don't even try anymore! Oh, back to the photo...I love the red in this!

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