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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Photostory Friday~ Saving the World....One Netflix Cover At A Time

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

One day, several months ago, I stumbled upon an  interesting website that peaked my interest in many ways.   It served to feed not only the creative side of me, but the thrifty, and waste not part of my being.  All that, AND it made me giggle.  I found humor in the fact that someone, like millions of over Netflix users, looked at those small red rectangles of paper that mindlessly gets ripped off the package, and thrown away, and actually thought......"what could I do with these things?  What a waste!"  I found intrigue in the process that person must have taken to come up with THAT something.  I smile at the ingenious way that they didn't keep to themselves, but created a website.  BRILLANT!

That very day, I dug through a small pile of junk mail envelopes and salvaged my Netflix flap.  I sat my hiney down, and followed the instructions to make this fabulous shirt.



I have to admit that I felt pretty sassy about it.  I took these photos, and intended on sharing them here on my blog ASAP, but something got in the way, and it was soon buried in my "to edit" files of photos.  A few weeks later, I had gathered up several more flaps, and I proceeded to make the swan, crab, frog, and heart.  Sugar Bear was by my side at the time.  She was ecstatic about these creations, and insisted that we play with them for nearly an hour.  They were a tad worse for the wear when we were finished, so I neglected to take photos.  Darn it....they were cute, too.

I have no doubt that Sugar Bear and I'll make some again, as I have an unlimited supply of Netflix flaps coming into my house each month.  Rock On!

Have a great weekend!

18 Live It or Love It:

Anonymous said...

How very creative and fun for your little one too.

tiarastantrums said...

that was a fun post

Christina said...

Oh how fun! Now I kinda wish we hadn't cancelled the Netflix subscription. :o)

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Awesome and so creative. I'd love to see photos of the next things you create.

Karin said...

What a great idea and also a fun way to keep the family occupied!

Joyce said...

This is really cool: origami toys made from Netflix covers!

And, THANK YOU for stopping by my Photostory Friday, too!

Kmommy said...

That looks like fun!

Tabitha Blue said...

Such a great idea... and perfect craft with useful resources!!! Thanks!


Cupcake Dessert said...

these are so cute!! that is so creative!!!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

That truly is 32 shades of creative alright Corey. I love our NetFlix. we don't do movies out much, so I love getting them in the mailbox.

Killlashandra said...

What a great usage for netflix flaps. We've got lots of those going in and out of the house too. Origami is so much fun!

Chris said...

Netflix Origami -- that is brilliant.
I love creative people who do the unexpected.
That is awesome!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Now that is CREATIVE!! I love new sites!

Gayle said...

You are too funny. I hadn't given those little flaps one thought, but I'll think of you everytime I open a movie from now on! :)

Susan said...

So cool! I will have to check the site out and make fun stuff with our Netflix scraps with my son.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Yes creative! How fun to spend the day playing with the nexfilx envelopes!

holly said...

that is REAALLY really cool! and it inspires me to turn more of *my* paper garbage into airplanes...

so i can fly them into the recycling bin.

that really is just a joke. this *has* made me think about ways i can put less stuff in the bin.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Oh so cute. Those are great. I'm on catch up (as usual). Hope you had a wonderful weekend with Miss Sugar. xoxoxo

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