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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Photostory Friday~ What's Your Name?

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

When making the decision to use a pseudonym for my daughter's name on this here blog, it was incredibly easy to pick a suitable name.  From the very first moment of her life on the "outside", she has been mama's little Sugar Bear.  There have been other nicknames, but none of them have stood the test of time, like Sugar Bear.  It just fits, as does Sugar, and Sug.  I call her one of those three nearly as often if not more than her actual name.  I have proof.


The other day, during her 4 year Well Child Exam, the following conversation occurred between my little honey and her pediatrician:

Doctor R:  So, can you tell me your name?

Sugar: "first name"

Doctor R:  Okay....what's your whole name?

Sugar:  (grinning) "first name" Sugar Bear!

Doctor R:  (wide eyed) "first name" Sugar Bear? I see...what about your LAST name???

Sugar:  (knowingly)  "first name" Sugar Bear "last name"!

Doctor R: (suppressing a giggle)  "first name" Sugar Bear "last name", huh?  That is quite a nice name.

Sugar: (nodding, and saying quite matter-a-factly)  Yeah....but you can just call me SUG!

Doctor R and Mama: (no longer able to suppress the giggles.)

Have a great weekend everyone!  :)

26 Live It or Love It:

Anonymous said...

Who else would she be but Sugar Bear? She's so adorable! They just brighten every day don't they?!

Chris said...

Sug is nothing but sweetness. Terrific shot Corey.

Cookie said...

That is so cute.
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

TuTu's Bliss said...

Love it! Fun story, cute little sugar!

Beth Cotell said...

I love that! Too cute!

Cathy said...

Great picture! She IS a sugar bear!

Robyn said...

LOL, I worried about that for a while since her nickname was all I was calling her too. But since I have been using her full name on so many occasions lately. I don't think I will have to worry about that.

Susie said...

ADORABLE! Your little Sug sounds as sweet as she looks. Great job Mom!

Autumn said...

LOL I love it. What a sweet story!

:) said...

Funny how you come up with these nicknames. All 4 of my kids (even the teen boys) still love me to call them by their nicknames (as long as I don't say them in public in front of their friends). I think kids always find comfort in the special, unique things that bond us as parent and child.

tiarastantrums said...

I think she's got it down you know!

Marcelle said...

She is Sugar Bear to me as well!!!!

Lovely *nick name* ( thats we call it in South Africa)
Thanks so much for your comment yesterday...

Anonymous said...

What a cute story. They are so funny.

Christina said...

I love it!! We call Nadia Gobo, and she's been known to introduce herself that way, too!

Jennifer said...

How adorable, she is lovely and I like her answers. So sweet!

Kika said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love the nickname..and shes adorable.

The Harris Family said...

What a beautiful girl, and what a perfect nickname to have.

Aunt Julie said...

Funny! I just call her Sticker Girl, for short...

Momo Fali said...

Wait until she tells you to stop calling her that. My 10 year old daughter recently broke my heart when she asked me to stop calling her "Goose" (only in front of her friends...but, still).

Anonymous said...

Hehe that is so cute!

Gayle said...

That is so cute! So I asked Olivia what her name the same kind of cute answers. Don't you just love the four-year old brain?! :) Enjoy your weekend.

AnnD said...

She's been nothing but Sugar Bear to me! All of us in blogland know that's her name! Sugar Bear is just Sugar Bear like Cher is Cher and Madonna is Madonna. No other name is needed.

Killlashandra said...

Cute exchange at the Dr. office. We used to try to use nicknames for W.W. and he would turn around and tell us that's my name my name is W.W. Well I use his initials but still no nicknames ever stuck. But Sugar Bear's is adorable right along with that b/w picture of her.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh that expression in that shot captures her PERFECTLY. You know I heart that little girl!

Maude Lynn said...

I love this! That is just too cute.

Tabitha Blue said...

Love it!!! That is just too cute. I call Baby Blue, baby or my baby girl all the time. So not she'll give me a hug and say to me, "Hi, baby girls." I just love the cute things kids say and SUG is at the top of that list!!!! She's adorable!


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