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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Week 33


May 15th was a quiet Sunday at home. Sugar Bear has been wanting me to teach her to knit, and while I can absolutely knit, I have never really taught anyone to knit, especially a 6 year old. I do not have the proper tools, but gave Sugar a little lesson anyhow. She is VERY excited to hear that she will be learning to knit at her new school next fall! WOO HOO! (I'm off the hook.)

May 16th I captured a flower Sugar Bear gave me. Much like many children, she loves to give me things she finds in nature. She knows not to pick things without asking, and she is about 99% reliable on that. :) This little flower she found growing wild outside her Dance School. She asked....I let her....and then she gave it to me. ♥

May 17th was THE.BEST.DAY.EVER! This was the wondrous day when I was minding my own business having lunch with some friends, and the Charter School called me and told me that Sugar Bear had made it into the first grade class for next year. It was GLORIOUS! Still walking on cloud nine about it. :) Sugar is pretty pleased as well.

May 18th we celebrated with a McDonald's Happy Meal. Seriously.....she never gets a Happy Meal. I'm not a fan of them, but she ADORES Zoobles, so I couldn't resist getting her one. :) She had the cheeseburger, apples, and milk. :)

May 19th was a beautiful day. We enjoyed some time outside with the bunnies in the evening. They are getting so big....and fluffy! ( know you want one!)

May 20th brought back the rain. It has been the rainiest spring EVER! seriously.......sigh. rain, rain, go away!

May 21st marked Sugar Bear's first attendance of a baby shower. A week before the event, she accidentally referred to it as the "baby wash". It was at that time that I wondered if she had any clue what a baby shower was. :) It was so wonderful to see my cousin's wife all glowing with that momma-to-be love. ♥

Almost all caught up on this project. I have been insanely busy, but so very glad to be on my last week of work before the summer break! Yea ME!

1 Live It or Love It:

Autumn said...

BAHAHAHAHA! I swear since the last bunny pictures you posted I've been trying to get the husband on board with a bunny! He is not falling for it... party pooper. I am so so sick of this rain too. It's supposed to be better weather this weekend. I sure hope so I'm scooping ice cream at a fund raiser for bugs school. Can't sell a lot of ice cream in the rain!

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